
Panchakarma, is a Sanskrit word which means five actions or therapies. Panchakarma, is the specialty branch of Kayachikitsa in ayurveda which is growing faster worldwide. It presents a unique approach of ayurveda with specially designed five procedures of internal purification of the body at the tissue level. It helps in bringing balance back in the body and rejuvenates completely.

Every therapy is personal. Our treatments are customized for you by our doctors based on your needs and your ayurvedic body type.

These panchkarma procedures are carried out in three steps:

Poorvakarma: (Pre purification measures)

Before the actual process of purification begins, there is a need to prepare the body in prescribed way and encourage it to let go of the toxins. The two procedures are Snehanam and Swedanam.

Snehanam means oleating the body, helping the toxins to move towards the gastrointestinal tract. It also makes the superficial and deep tissues soft and supple, thus helping to remove stress and to nourish the nervous system. Swedanam means sudation or sweating, which is followed by snehanam. This procedure liquefies the toxins and increases the movement of the toxins in to the gastrointestinal tract.

After this snehanam and swedanam doshas become well ripened. A particular panchkarma is then given according to the individual constitution and disease.

Pradhanakarma: (Main procedure)

Following the poorvakarma, body is subjected to actual shodhana karma i.e. cleansing of the body by evacuation of accumulated dosha. There are five basic shodhanas or cleansing methods:

  1. Vamana (Emesis Therapy):

Vamana is a medicated emesis therapy which removes accumulated kapha dosha in the body.

  1. Virechana (Purgation Therapy):

Virechana is medicated purgation therapy which removes accumulated Pitta dosha from the body.

  1. Basti (Enema Therapy):

In basti medicated oil, ghee or herbal decoction is given as enema to expel the accumulated doshas from the body.

  1. Nasyam ( Errhine Therapy):

Nasyam involves administration of medication through the nose to cleanse the accumulated kapha dosha in the body.

  1. Raktamokshana (Bloodletting Therapy):

Elimination of vitiated blood along with toxins from the body by different techniques for therapeutic purpose is known as raktamokshana.


Paschatkarma: (Post purification measures)

It is important to follow a diet and lifestyle that is harmonious with one’s constitution. If not followed, one could worsen their condition by suppressing the renewed healing energies as after cleansing of the body, agni and strength of the body becomes weak. So, to restore the strength of agni and body, specific diet regime is given known as samsarjana karma.

To complete with the treatment after shodhana karma, some palliative measures are carried out by way of administering the medicines which is unique and specific to different disease known as shaman chikitsa.

Certain disease with a tendency of relapsing may be controlled by the administration of rasayana chikitsa.

Therapeutic Effects of Panchkarma

Panchkarma is beneficial for both normal in promoting health as well as ill person by eradicating disease. These are some of the benefits :

  • Helps in bringing balance of all three doshas.
  • Eliminates toxins and strengthens tissue functions.
  • Purifies the body, relax the mind, improve the digestion and metabolism.
  • Boosts body immunity and energy level.
  • Helps implement healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • Reduces stress, improves relaxation & tolerance.
  • Slows the ageing process and increases the lifespan.